Thursday 11 May 2017

Skills and Branding Audit

This will identify skills and interests that I have built up and those I need to develop as well as consider your approach to your professional identity

The skills i have gained while working on this project, include working with others that i wouldnt necessarily work with in day to day life. This has helped me because when it comes to family and portrait photography i will be photographing people i dont know, so this has widely helped me gain in confidence. 
Another skill i have gained while working on this project, is finding natural leading lines and frames within my work, which adds to the overall affect making the viewer look at what they are supposed to  look at. 

One interest i have gained within this project is the use of polariods and film photography, while i am still getting to grips with using the polariods, i have fallen back in love with the aspect of analogue and the anticipation of whether my images will turn out or not. 

the skills i need to develope further come with the technical aspects of photography, unless im using a prime lens i can never quite tell what settings my camera needs to be on, or whether my images are at the correct exposure for what i want. I need to develop my knowledge and maybe start using a light meter in future to aid in this. 

I have learned that my professional identity lies in the candid, natural/ follow me around images, images that capture a persons true nature, rather than the posed aspects of a studio shoot. I have found using a prime lens has also helped to add to the intimate candid moments i live to capture. 

Monday 8 May 2017

One to One with Ellen

From my one to one with ellen she suggested i looked at photographers like
1. emily soto- lighter fashion images
2. matt holyoak- Jack wills campaign
3. Annie Bundfuss- children
4. cabbage and roses clothing campaign
5. lina schynus?
6. Anette Pehrsson

Ellen suggested these photographers because they were more in keeping with my style of photography and sense of intimacy in my work than the photographers i had previously looked at for this project.

I found this one to one helpful because it reconfirmed to me i was heading in the right direction with my work and where i am going in the future.

Proof Of E~folio

Here is my proof of creating my Efolio, I used the 3 best images from each shoot compiling them together in one place to create my Portfolio

Updated website Proof

my website has only just gone Live so it is as up to date as it possibly can be while still being relavent to my practice

Saturday 6 May 2017

One to One with James 31-03-17

Unfortunately I was unwell for the show and tell before easter so the next day i had a one to one with james to make up for it so i wouldnt get marked as incomplete, this is the feedback i got...

  1. look at taylor wessing Portrait prize 
  2. personal angle- Larry Sultan- family-lydia Goldblatt-Alec Soth- Joel Sternfeld- Thomas Strath- August Sander-Walker Evans 
  3. look at framing your subject 
  4. light for framing/ Quality of Light 
  5. Use a Tripod 
  6. Tina Barney Vs. Larry Sultan Vs Lydia Goldblatt

overall i think this one to one was helpful because it gave me a direction and James gave me photographers to start looking at and further my research contextualising my practice 

Presence on a moving image platform proof

I have decided the presence I will have on a moving image platform will be on Instagram I have created a stand alone account purely for my professional pictures that is separate from my personal account 

Membership on Professional Network Proof

Here is my proof of membership on linkedin