Wednesday, 28 October 2015

WorkShops 1- Call The Cavalry

For this workshop we were given two tasks to create an environmental portrait and an isolation portrait.

The Learning outcomes were as follows:
We were put into groups of four and sent off to complete the two tasks. 

For the first task we had to take a head and shoulders portrait agains a plain background to show isolation. This means that the viewer is only concentrated on the subject and isn't distracted by its surroundings, Here is my isolation image: 

The environmental image is to depict the subject in a location that the live, work, rest or play. My environmental image was taken in an area local to the university building so it depicts a place where Amey (the model) learns. 
I like how her green hair almost blends in with the green foliage around her. 

Thank You for Reading, 
Becca x

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