I was partnered up with Kane Layland who looked at my work and judged what I had done well and what I needed to improve on for each Learning Outcome.
LO5: Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental techniques, materials and processes associated with your subject.
- annotate contact sheet
- try editing styles like the photographers you've searched to help show understanding
- add something to show process and technical knowledge
- You've used a variety of shooting formats:- i.e. played with landscape and fashion photography.
- using different formats of photography (suggested to stear away from phone photography
- Liked the use of layout in narrative book
- focus more on artists style and what you got from the work rather than their back story
- annotate work/ images
- good amount of artist research looking into different styles and types of artists.
- putting older shooting styles into current day
- talk about what went well and what didn't in evaluation- discuss how you overcame the problems adopted
- Good evaluation of phone shoot on way to uni
- Talk more about plans for shoots and how to improve in future shoots- re-shoot if necessary to show progression
- play around with editing techniques more
- after changing ideas for narrative you have a lot clearer views of what you are doing, showing clearer development
- can see a clear development throughout work
- perhaps put group work such as PowerPoints into your logbook
- good self evaluation of group crits
- sowing definite transferable skills in public speaking etc.
- good work in workshops- working with others
- traveling for models and prepping for shoots is good (maybe say how ouu found model)
- as you went into areas such as cambridge talk in advance about planning what you are bringing and times etc
- reshoot of holding images is done alot better - can see big improvement
overall I think this Peer Review helped a lot, as I found out exactly what i needed to do inmy work to improve