Thursday, 17 November 2016

moving image

Until recently I wasn’t really sure what I was going to do for the moving image piece. Even now I have an idea but I am not entirely sure how I am going to achieve it. The skills I can bring when it comes to moving image making as a photographer is my editing skills, because I have previous experience with editing videos with media A Level. Another skill I can bring to moving image making is my ability to use a camera, as I mentioned before when I was doing my A Level we had to use cameras to film pieces so we could edit them. I think this means I have an understanding of what works well together, the kind of shots that look affective and will edit together well.

However I agree with Sontag when she says
Each still photograph is a privileged moment turned into a slim object that one can keep and look at again” [1]
because In my photographers mind-set I am driven to photograph more than film. I prefer to have the hard still copy of an image that is easily accessible to something I would have to find a computer to view.
I plan to approach the moving image work by having a completely blank background, having a vase of water with a single flower in the vase (this links to the rest of my work because of the use of flowers.) I then plan to film it from a fixed view point as the petals fall off the flower. I’m not entirely sure how I’m going to go about filming it at the moment, or what kind of sound I’m going to feature over the 30 second clip but I like how it will fit into my work and also work on its own, conceptually.
Another way I might approach the moving image task is by taking a series of stills and using them in such a way that it looks like a moving image piece rather than a series of still images like KW Purcell suggests of the work of other photographers
“Through their work, the questions of how stills interact with (or become) the moving image have given rise to creation of profound intelligence and beauty”[2]

Word count: 283
[1] Sontag, S. (1973) On Photography. New York: Farrar Strauss and Giroux, P17

[2] Purcell, K.W. (2010) Adventures in mo.on pictures Eye Magazine Number 77 Accessed at hcp://"cle/kerry-william-purcell

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