Monday, 27 March 2017

Learning agreement tutorial

This was an opportunity for us to feedback to a tutor about what we planned on doing how we were going to do it and get feedback from a tutor on the work.
I found it helpful to an extent as it made me think about what audience I wanted to view the work think about where it would go I.e. magazines, stand alone work, portfolio, I also go suggestions on working with graphic students to make a mock logo if I wanted to make up a campaign for a company... I was told to maybe focus on a specific concept if I wanted to do a brand campaign i.e i focus on jeans a lot in my shoots so to look at levis and do a campaign around them if that was a direction I want to go in.

I learnt it was ok to have restrictions but it's good not to and focus on what I want to do...

Most of this feedback I got from other students I didn't really find tutor feedback very helpful, whether this wasn't the intention of the tutorial I don't know but I found it very of putting at times when no one was saying anything and said tutor was just sat there staring at me rather than offering up advice or different references to look at like they did with other students in that tutorial.

I did write down some thoughts about my work that I had when I was listening to other people talk....
•On location shoots would work better
•cintact companies? 
•focus on model rather than their clothing
•focus on one aspect of the image- I.e a piece of clothing or object.
•what makes the model who they are?-tattoos/style- could pair this with a sentence on how they see themselves or what their goal is.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Collaboration part 4

After our day at Norwich Fashion Week we decided to all meet up and go through the work we had got decide on a colour balance and start getting the work ready for uploading.
However I was the only one that had gone through my work picked the ones that worked best and edited them the way I thought worked best with what we were trying to do initially and also warm them up so they didn't look 2D.

The way I edited them was liked by the others but they decided it was "too warm" for what they wanted. However the group was split by who liked what colour balance. I was made to change one of my images because "it didn't look professional enough".
I think it was good for us to meet up and go through everything but it felt like my opinion didn't matter or was overruled to an extent. I had to go away re-edit and choose a different picture. At the end of the day it was a group project however it would have been nice to have had some say on the way my own pictures should look like.

Day at Norwich Fashion Week- collaboration part 3

So this was the third time we all managed to meet up during the course of this project.

The university put on an event and Norwich Open in conjunction with Norwich Fashion Week. The events we were scheduled in for were:
~production talk with Tamsin Morgans/east coast production
           This was helpful because we learnt        what the most important things to have ready were when doing shoots for example: mood boards are good for building a story, think about permits, think about how many shots you want and allow time for  hair and makeup, hair and makeup can take up 50% of the shoot, put everything down on a call sheet; make sure everything is written down so if something goes wrong or off plan you have the written plan to refer back to and people need as much notice as possible.
~ Wex Photographic talk
         We were told a good application/handy application to invest in and get was set-a-light Pro because you are able to create a virtual environment and that can tell you what conditions you need for studio shoots and settings the camera needs to be on for the lighting you want.
~how to communicate drama and narrative through direction and style with Kylie Griffiths and Sophie Lachowycz
        I didn't really get a lot out of this talk, I felt it was set up more for the fashion students and would have benefitted from it more than one of the other talks. A few things I learnt from this talk were:
1. It's not just about collaboration it's about making friendships and networking
2. Pinterest is good for getting your ideas together
3. Always have a shot list
4. 2 weeks is the bare minimum you need to prepare for a shoot but be flexible with your time
5. Be optimistic with what you can achieve but try pushing for more
6. Connections are one of the most important things
7. Don't be scared to follow up with a company or a photographer if you have emailed them.
8. Be your own works biggest fan- if you don't really love something it will show
9. It's important to assist
10.  Always try and network to build your own work.

In some talks from this day I got a lot out of them and learnt a lot however other talks I felt that they were more suited to the fashion students more than others I understand they had to have something for everyone however looking back at it there wasn't really much on offer for the film students as it was more aimed at the photography and fashion production side of things.
Overall I thought this day was helpful to an extent but in other ways it just wasn't at all helpful, I like to think I took a little bit of information away from every talk that would be helpful for myself in future

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Collaboration - Part 2

Our second meeting was the day of the shoot.
The plan was to get to Cley Next the Sea for 11 and set up and be ready to shoot by 12 and to all intense and purposes we managed to achieve this, even though I got slightly lost and missed the turning because I wasn't completely sure where I was supposed to be going, I don't think this was very good organisation on our part because I had an address our fashion student gave me but we were meeting in a different place.

I found it hard to collaborate with the film students because I wasn't really sure where I could help or what they needed the help with because I don't have experience with that kind of equipment. It was hard to judge if I would be in the way or in shot because I didn't know how wide they were shooting. But I did my job as a photographer shooting and then feeding back to the fashion student and other photography student about the shots I had captured, which ones I liked from a quick glance and so on, I tried to help as best I could and at the end of the day I feel we all came away with something we could work with and in some cases work we were really pleased with (ki can only speak personally here) that made this project as clean cut as possible.

Personally I don't really like doing fashion  shoots so I was kind of dreading having to do something like that but I approached it as if I was doing an on location portrait shoot and started to really enjoy what I was doing.

I realised that all I had to do, is if it wasn't something I was comfortable doing, change my mind set and treat it like something I do enjoy doing and I plan to do more shoots like that for future projects

Collaboration Project- Part 1

From the start to the end of that first lecture, I felt very nervous and filled with almost anxiety and dread at the thought of working in a group of people I didn't know. Previously when working in groups it hasnt worked out due to lack of communication or just not getting on at all. So it made me nervous that there would be a repeat and the exact same would happen again.

My mind was then put at ease when the group I was in headed over to the playhouse and started to talk everything through.

Initially we discussed what theme we all wanted or felt comfortable to do and landed on something that rested between two of the themes Sci- Fi and minimalism and chose to focus on a justaposed modern say girl in a world you wouldnt normally associate with her.

For convienience we decided our location would be cley next the sea. It has the old style setting and Liv our fashion student had a family home there where we could take rest break for lunch or charge batteries.

I then had to run of for a family thing so left the rest to chat and fill me in later deciding all our communication would best be done over facebook messenger.