Monday, 27 March 2017

Learning agreement tutorial

This was an opportunity for us to feedback to a tutor about what we planned on doing how we were going to do it and get feedback from a tutor on the work.
I found it helpful to an extent as it made me think about what audience I wanted to view the work think about where it would go I.e. magazines, stand alone work, portfolio, I also go suggestions on working with graphic students to make a mock logo if I wanted to make up a campaign for a company... I was told to maybe focus on a specific concept if I wanted to do a brand campaign i.e i focus on jeans a lot in my shoots so to look at levis and do a campaign around them if that was a direction I want to go in.

I learnt it was ok to have restrictions but it's good not to and focus on what I want to do...

Most of this feedback I got from other students I didn't really find tutor feedback very helpful, whether this wasn't the intention of the tutorial I don't know but I found it very of putting at times when no one was saying anything and said tutor was just sat there staring at me rather than offering up advice or different references to look at like they did with other students in that tutorial.

I did write down some thoughts about my work that I had when I was listening to other people talk....
•On location shoots would work better
•cintact companies? 
•focus on model rather than their clothing
•focus on one aspect of the image- I.e a piece of clothing or object.
•what makes the model who they are?-tattoos/style- could pair this with a sentence on how they see themselves or what their goal is.

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