Monday, 13 February 2017

Creative Process Task

When given this first brief I thought to myself, what would best fit all the criteria while still being fun to make. My go to thought was then to look at flowers how they fit in to a still life, landscape and portrait and how I could also make a moving image that worked too. For this I looked at work by Carol Sharpe [1] I looked at Sharp because I liked her use of soft lighting which almost reflects the nature of the flower. Which in a sense is something I want to reflect within my images while still getting a sharp focused image and having that shallow depth of field. For the landscape images I tried to follow the work of Collier Schorr [2] because due to the time of year we are producing this work there was no way I could find flowers out in a natural landscape.  My next step was to tackle the portrait side of the brief. I struggled with this one because I couldn’t find any photographers that did exactly what I wanted to do. Only Pinterest pictures taken from here and there that other people had put together.

[1]                                                           [2]

I decided on using the visual approach of a shallow depth of field with soft lighting because from all the research in to different photographers I did, I felt like it looked the best visually and I felt it was the style that fit my personality and way of photographing more than any other way. I feel like I was quite successful in combining my visual approach with my subject because I managed to keep the shallow depth of field in each of my images while still creating a soft lighting. This approach didn’t work too well when it came to photographing my still life images in the studio. I found it very hard to control the lighting the way I wanted it to keep the light as “natural” and soft almost flat, as I wanted it to be. In hindsight I believe going into the studio to do this probably wasn’t the best idea and I should have got a ranger kit out, bounced the light of the ceiling and let it fall onto my subject that way.

Work count:375




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