Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Thoughts on starting back at university 25-Sept-16

This year compared to last year I feel completely different. I remember feeling completely terrified and filled with anxiety over the fact I was starting somewhere new, where I didn't know anyone. I remember feeling completely out of my depth for the first few weeks.
I hadn't really made any new friends, I kept to myself, I just did what I had to while I was there and came home. I don't think living away from University, still at home, helped that because it meant I wasn't going out on student nights, clubbing and I wasn't building connections with other students, that the students that were going out were.
I soon enough, once things got into full swing, fell into a group of amazing people, I'm not sure how, but all the same they accepted me and I actually made friends with them! I felt like I belonged.

This year, I wasn't feeling the same anxieties. I came into second year knowing I had to get a lot of work done. I had to put in more effort if I was going to succeed and actually get into a position where I know at the end of the year I am in a good position going into third year. I know that is a while away from when I'm writing this but I know that in reality, it will be here in no time at all! I am half way through my University education and I am truly astounded at how quickly last year went. I wish I had kept  on top of my work last year and I guess thats my kind of "new years resolution" for this new year at university, to keep on top of my work and to use my time on the train to and from Norwich to get work done and work on my reflective journals otherwise I know I am going to get behind again and struggle to keep up with it.

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